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The Jade Emperor Heaven, Imperial Court Kindergarten, Chapter 17: Kunyu

The Jade Emperor Heaven, Imperial Court Kindergarten,

 Chapter 17: Kunyu

"If it's an Immortal ..." Bai Ze laughed and fell back on the cloud, adding that he thought he had told a funny joke. He laughed for a while. When he saw Fu Li ignoring him, he stood close to him, looked at his tight little face, put out a finger and poked, "Who saved me after a long time?"
"This seat is not the Heavenly Book, how would I know?" Fu Li hummed, stood up and flew down rapidly under the pressure of the fairy clouds.
"Ah -" Bai Ze was shocked and looked around, only to find that they had reached Kunyu Mountain.
Kunyu Mountain is situated on an Immortals island. It is surrounded by sea water. Because of the existence of the Mulberry fruit trees, it has a lot of spiritual energy. Even from far away, you can smell the mana from it. But now, they are close to the top of the mountain, and have not smelled the slightest immortal spirit.
"Huh?" Bai Ze drove the cloud around the mountain for a while. He felt a little weird and wanted to fall down to see it. But he bumped into something and fell out of the cloud and into the sea.
"Bah!" Bai Ze turned into his full form, stood on the waves, ran over in three or two steps, and caught the fallen Fu Li.
"There are boundaries walls." Fu Li sat on Bai Ze's head and touched the invisible cover.

"Wow, it's the mountain protection of Kunyu Mountain." Bai Ze frowned. When the Emperor of the East China entered Kunyu Mountain, he built a wall of mountain guardians to guard the fruit of mulberry tree, which was not usually opened, but only when he left Kunyu Mountain or something unexpected happened.
Now, fearing that the Emperor of the East China would become smaller and unable to resist the demons, The Immortals started to strengthen barrier of mountain protection.
"Can you call Nezha?" Fu Li knocked on the transparent cover.
"I'm afraid... No..." Bai Ze turned his head and saw a multicolored fairy light at the distance between the sea and the sky. From time to time, there was a burst of explosions. Over there, it is Nezha who is fighting fiercely with the demons and soldiers. If a big battle is seen from here, the ancient demons will be able to drill in in an instant and grab one or two mulberry fruits to eat, and their mana will be greatly increased, and the rule of the Heavens will be over.
"How about that?" Fu Li wrinkled his little eyebrows. They can't wait here for Nezha to finish the fight, can they? What if they fight hard for nine days and nine nights?
Bai Ze, as an auspicious beast who knows the world, knows a lot of things in the world. He bowed his head and thinks for a moment, then his eyes shone. "I know there's another way, let's go." Then, he carried Fu Li, he ran to the East coast.
Four-clawed clouds, not sinking not wet, snow-white beasts galloping on the sea. Fu Li hid in the snow-white fur and lets Bai Ze carry on.
After staying in heaven for so long, Bai Ze had already stooped to change to his full form. Now he could run away in his full form he was so happy that he growled as he ran.
Fishermen on the sea heard the growls and looked up, but saw a white light passing from the sea to the sky, where there were five colors of auspicious light that did not disperse for a long time.
"There must be immortals passing by!" The fishermen sighed and knelt down to offer prayers.
All the way to the East coast, Bai Ze changed into a human figure and landed with Fu Li in his arms. The coast is very busy. There are fishermen who come back from fishing to sell fish on the spot. Fish collectors are holding donkey carts to bargain with fishermen. There is a great deal of noise.
Bai Ze wiped out a gorgeous dress and changed it into a rough cloth, and mingled with the crowd without being a stick point. However, Fu Li Heavenly Venerable Lord in his arms is still wearing an immortal robes ribbon. At first glance, he is not a child of ordinary people.
"Quick, change your clothes." Bai Ze blocked Fu Li with his body and asked him to change into ordinary clothes.
Fu Li flipped his sleeve and turned the blue immortal clothes into blue clothes.

"Puff" - Bai Ze looked at the Fu Li after the change, and cannot help laughing. This man may have become small after the improper control of mana, he only changed the clothes out and forgot the crown on top of his head, with a blue and white crown on his head, and such a small person, wearing a normal clothes with a blue and white crown, how strange is it to see.
But Bai Ze had to pick up Fu Li and change his clothes by himself. Turning around, everyone saw Bai Ze holding a kid in a narrow-sleeved coarse cloth dress and combing the corners. Nevertheless, even a cloth can hardly hide the hazy Fairy Spirit of Heavenly Venerable Lord.
"This, elder brother, how can I get to Kunyu Mountain?" Bai Ze, holding Fu Li, went to a carriage and asked the driver.
"Kunyu Mountain, is about thirty miles away. I'm going to Kunshan County. You're one adult, one child, and it will cost you thirty cents." The coachman looked at the dress of the two men. They were ordinary people. Then he looked at their faces, and he was a little stunned. The young man, with a graceful, gentle and courteous face, must be a scholar; the child, with delicate features, forgets the customs, and has a thoughtful look in his eyebrows, he rather looked like a child of a noble prince.
"The carriage is too slow. Let's buy a horse." Bai Ze thought about it, refused the coachman's invitation and went to buy a horse with Fu Li in his arms.
"Kunyu Mountain is also on the ground?" Fu Li frowned slightly. He has been staying in his hall from the world for a long time. Occasionally, he visited the Emperor of East China on his Kunyu Mountain. He was also the one who went to the sea, but he did not know that there was a Kunyu Mountain on the ground.
"Yes, that fellow in East China was to be worshipped by the world, but he can't get people to go to sea by boat. He had to set up a Kunyu Mountain in the world and built a Taoist temple. He drew a line in Taoism, which led directly to the temple in the sea. Bai Ze explained in a hush voice that he had come to the market.
The horses in the world are very expensive. Bai Ze traded a piece of jade for silver, bought a grey horse, saddled it and bought a pocket for food. Then he mounted the horse with Fu Li and wandered to Kunyu Mountain.
"Bah-" within five miles of walking, the gray-haired horse hissed, bending its legs to fall.
Bai Ze held Fu Li fast with his eyes and his other hand grabbed the cloth bag which carried food and rose up in the air. He did not fall. Seeing the horse fall to the ground and gasp for breath, Bai Ze put Fu Li down and asked him to hold the bag and he went to touch the horse's head.
Bai Ze sighed, knowing that he had been deceived by a scammer: "The horse is ill, and his death is not long."
He picked the horse because it had good bones and should have been a fine horse. Now, it seems that the owner will not use the horse, because it had been let to do heavy work, strained the joints, now that it does not do not work, he come out and sold it for cheap.
Fu Li came over and looked at the gray-haired horse. After a moment of silence, he took out a sugar bean from his sleeve and fed it to the horse's mouth.
"This elixir pill..." Bai Ze wanted to stop talking. It was made by Lao Jun after he became smaller. It was not an elixir, and it was useless to eat it.
Without finishing, the gray-haired horse had swallowed the sugar beans, and there was a golden glow all over it.
Bai Ze stared, and suddenly realized that although these elixirs had been discarded, they still had mana in them. These mana are equal to nothing for immortals, but they are still rare elixir for living creatures. When the golden light dissipated, the dying gray-haired horse stood up quickly, horsed in a clear voice, trotted around Fu Li and arched into his sleeve with his head.
Fu Li frowned, dodged the horse's closeness, and stretched out his arm toward Bai Ze.
Bai Ze was shocked by this "to embrace" movement. He held his breath and dared not say much. He was afraid that he would return to his mind like he did last time. He stepped forward in three or two steps and quickly took people into his arms and turned over his horse.
"Bah -" After washing the tendons and healing the marrow, the gray-haired horse was very excited. After being held up by the reins, the horse got up and kicked the legs, and then ran at the speed of thousands of miles per day.
Bai Ze circled the child in his arms for fear that he would be bored. He took a snack from his cloth bag and handed it to Fu Li. Fu Li looked up at him and slowly gnawed on it.
Kunyu Mountain is not far away. An hour later, two immortals arrived at the foot of the mountain in one horse. Because of the name of the Emperor of East China, the Taoist temples on this mountain are very popular, and there are many people who come to seek immortality and Taoism wisdom. I don't know if the horse ate the elixir or not. This grey horse is very fierce. It walked steadily on the narrow mountain path and goes directly to the top of the mountain.
"Signature or fortune telling?" When the two men were well dressed, the Taoist priests came to greet them.
"We are here to meet Emperor East China." Bai Ze smiled and led Fu Li into the main hall. In the main hall, a statue of Emperor of the East China was built, with a long face and big ears and several strands of beard. It does not looks like Emperor of the East China at all.
The good men and women knelt on the statue to worship. Bai Ze and Fu Li stood in the center of the hall, looking around.
"Son, kneel down and kowtow to the emperor." The next aunt saw Fu Li lovely, and she cannot help reminding him with sentence.
"Kowtow?" Fu Li sneered, "That there still hasn’t done good enough to worship this seat."
As soon as this remark was made, all the people were shocked.

"How can you talk like that, son?"
"Is that's how arrogant you are at a young age!"
People said, looking at Bai Ze, who swallowed his saliva and he ran to the back hall with Fu Li in his arms.
"They must be demons!" Someone suddenly said that. Recently, there have been many strange things happening in this land. Some people say that monsters are responsible for them. Everyone is in a panic and they come to visit the Emperor's Palace. Now there are two people in the hall who do not respect the emperor and monarch of heaven. It seems very unusual.
"That adult man is not like a human being. He must be a fox spirit." There are openings for students. It is often said in books that the perfect person is the fox spirit. The man in white looks so beautiful that people will yearn for him at a glance. There must be ghosts!
Hearing this, the crowd rose and chased the past.
"Don't let monsters stain the temple of the emperor!"
"Will demons hurt us?"
"No fear, were in a Taoism temple!"
Several Taoist priests in Taoism are afraid. They are all human beings, and their teachers are human beings. They have no power at all.
The author has something to say: small theatre:
Person A: go ahead, there are Taoists here to protect the people.
People B: go ahead, ah, there are Taoists, demons and devils.
People C: go ahead ah, there are Taoists here, catch the beautiful man.
Taoist priest: Don't be impulsive o (- : -)o

                  Chapter 16: Retaliate  << Chapters home >> Chapter 18: the Mulberry


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