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Translations on BUYMECOFFEE

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Love is More than a Word, Chapter 30: Tit-for-tat (3)...

Love is More than a Word《识汝不识丁》Shi Nu Bu Shi Ding
Love is More than a Word, Chapter 30: Tit-for-tat (3)...

Tao Mo said hesitantly, "This..."

Gu Xiaojia slammed his fist into Sun Nuo's shoe.

Sun Nuo jumped up from the pain.

The crowd couldn't help but look away.

Sun Nuo hastily put up his teeth and said, "Da-ren, you mustn't do this."

Lu Zhenxue said, "Why not? Da-ren is the people of Tangyang County. Isn't it right and proper for parents and officials to set a marriage date for their children?"

Sun Nuo said: "Da-ren is the parent official of the people of Tangyang County but this Liang Family is not the people of Tangyang County. Moreover, there are many people in Tangyang County and Da-ren has to take care of all of them. The Qiu Family Second Young Miss At the very least, the Qiu Family Second Young Miss and... Liang Family's son is still in Da-ren's house. If we rashly set the wedding date in the public hall, it would be of suspicion overstepping our authority?"

Lu Zhenxue frowned slightly as he watched Old Master Liang desperately give him a wink: "Brother Sun's words if it makes sense to keep it out of the courtroom. It's just that this is a court of law and since the matter of the Qiu and Liang family is in court, it should be decided by Da-ren alone. Otherwise, why would Da-ren waste time with us here?"

Tao Mo listened to Lu Zhenxue speak and found it reasonable to listen to Sun Nuo speak and found it reasonable to have a scale in his heart. He swayed from side to side and couldn't even settle down. He unconsciously looked at Master Jin. Master Jin also let Gu Xiaojia for him without permission. He was annoyed about the courtroom and lowered his head when he looked at him.

Tao Mo could only look at Mu Chun next to him.

Mu Chun smiled and shook his head gently.

Tao Mo felt the spring breeze in his face, which was unbearably refreshing, and his anxiety was suddenly gone. He slapped the wood of the throne room.

It was so quiet in the hall," Tao Mo said.

Tao Mo said, "I need to think about this matter and discuss it another day."

Lu Zhenxue frowned and said: "Da-ren is going to withdraw from the court for another trial? I wonder when Da-ren is going to retrial."

Tao Mo subconsciously said, "Then you say..."

Lu Zhenxue was busy saying, "Naturally, it would be best to finish the trial today."

Mu Chun smiled: "Da-ren, the noon hour is approaching, why don't we postpone it until three o'clock in the afternoon?"

Tao Mo nodded repeatedly, "Then we'll adjourn the trial until three o'clock! Court is adjourned."

The city was disappointed that the new governor had to postpone the trial of such a small case with a clear-cut case.

Tao Mo paced back and forth in his study, looking at Mu Chun and Master Jin, who were drinking tea next to him:" Do you think I should set a date for my wedding?"

Master Jin looked at Mu Chun, and Mu Chun was silent.

Master Jin said: "In my opinion, the key to this matter is not to set a date for the wedding but to decide on a date for the marriage. Why is the Liang Family delaying the marriage proposal?"

Tao Mo suddenly said, "Yes, why is that?"

Master Jin said, "I don't think Old Master Liang looks like he's going to regret the marriage. Maybe there's something else going on."

”Master Jin has a point." Master Jin said, "Perhaps Old Master Liang is the one who wants to propose marriage and the one who doesn't. Young Master Liang that would explain why this marriage has been delayed so far."

Master Jin clapped his hands, "Yes, Old Master Liang is in a hurry to get Da-ren to set a date for the wedding. Not necessarily used to restrict the Qiu Family, may be used to restrict Young Master Liang." When he finished talking He felt that his idea mirrored the one from Mu Chun and he felt annoyed at that.

Tao Mo nodded his head and said: "Yes, today Young Master Liang is not in the hall." The Qiu Family Second Young Miss is a young lady who has not yet come out of the family, and it's understandable that she doesn't want to go to court. Young Master Liang’s non-appearance is worth exploring.

Master Jin sighed, "It's a pity that we didn't have enough time to get Young Master Liang out of the neighboring county. Please come."

Tao Mo said, "What's the hurry? I'll just postpone the ceremony."

Master Jin said, "That's not right, is it?" He looked at Mu Chun.

Mu Chun said, "The case of the Qiu and Liang family may seem small to others, but to them it is definitely a big deal. I wonder if this Mr. Liang Family is in Tangyang County."

Master Jin, although he felt that there was some truth in what he said, his look was too certain and he probed: "Is Master Wood in the street? Have you seen Young Master Liang?”

Mu Chun laughed and said, "I've never seen that Young Master Liang before, even if I met him on the street. How do you know if you've passed by?"

Master Jin said, "I see Master Mu and not Da-ren sent someone to that Old Master Liang Just take a look at the settled place."

Tao Mo rushed out of the house.

It took an incense burn to come back.

Master Jin and Mu Chun were both hungry and were about to get up to say goodbye when Tao Mo took out a letter and gave it to them. Mu Chun, "Will you read the letter for me?"

Master Jin was a little upset. Tao Mo's letter to Mu Chun may have been an unintentional gesture, even though he was far away from Tao Mo. This move shows that in Tao Mo's mind, he is no more trusted than Mu Chun.

Mu Chun ignored Master Jin's overwhelming thoughts and took out the letter.

Tao Mo stared at him with eyes wide open.

Mu Chun said, "Speedy trial."

Tao Mo said, "What else?"

Mu Chun turned the paper over and there were only two words.

Master Jin was disgusted by the tone of the letter writer. He said indifferently, "Who wrote this letter? How dare anyone be so bold?"

Tao Mo smirked and put the letter away.

Mu Chun shook his head and laughed, then walked out.

Master Jin burned up a fire. He had a feeling that Mu Chun knew who the letter was from, but not him. Although he had no choice but to be the Master, he didn't want to be compared to anyone else if he did.

He said to Tao Mo, "I've informed Cui Denshi of what you've told me," he said.

Tao Mo was stunned. "What is it?"

Master Jin thought he didn't want to say anything about the bribe, so he smiled smugly and said, "Nothing."

Tao Mo watched Master Jin's back as he drifted away, puzzled.

After lunch, Tao Mo took the piece of paper to his study and put it on the table, beckoning Hao Guozi to grind it.

Hao Guozi was surprised and said, "Young Master wants to write?"

Tao Mo smiled and nodded.

"What do you want to write, young Master?”

"Speedy trial." Tao Mo pointed to the words on the letter and read them carefully.

Hao Guozi frowned, "They're pretty, but they're not easy to copy. If a young Master wants to learn how to write, why don't you ask me to buy some beginner's calligraphy books?"

Tao Mo waved his hand and said, "I only want to learn his calligraphy."

"Him?" Hao Guozi asked tentatively, "Gu She?"

Tao Mo nodded.

Hao Guozi sighed quietly.

Tao Mo's illiteracy was due to his unwillingness to learn, not his lack of money. He did know the basics of how to hold a pencil.

Hao Guozi was relieved to see him pick up the pen like it was written and wondered if only that Gu She had appeared a few years earlier, the young Master might not have been so illiterate and the old Master would not have ended up with regrets.

"Huh." Tao Mo looked at the one across that was shaking like a caterpillar embarrassed "What's different?"

Hao Guozi said: "Young Master, if you want to learn to write, you have to start from the beginning."

Tao Mo's fingers tightened: "Yes, yes, I'm in a hurry." I just don't know when I'll be able to write a word as beautiful as Gu She.

Hao Guozi saw that he was sweating profusely and said: "Young Master, why don't you take a break? I'll get you some tea."

Tao Mo nodded his head as his arm felt a little sore, but his eyes never left Gu She's handwriting, as if he was imagining how she would write it.

Hao Guozi came back a moment later with an errand boy behind him.

Tao Mo finished writing and was surprised: "But there's news about Young Master Liang?”

The officer hurriedly finished his salute and said, "Da-ren, the Young Master Liang is working with Old Master Liang is staying with us at the Tongfu Inn in the city."

Tao Mo put his pen down and said without thinking: "Go to the Tongfu Inn and tell him I want to see him in court this afternoon!"

The officer hesitated before turning around and leaving.

After hearing the news about Young Master Liang, Tao Mo had no desire to continue copying the letter, so he put it away and turned to find Master Jin and Mu Chun to discuss the matter.

Master Jin didn't rush to ask Mu Chun as he did last time, but first asked, "How is Master Liang? See?"

Mu Chun said: "Is there a reason why Young Master Liang doesn't want to show up even though he is in Tangyang? What unspeakable secret I s he hiding?"

Master Jin said meaningfully: "Does Master Mu Chun know anything?"

Mu Chun smiled: "I sit in my room like Master Jin, but I don't know what goes on outside my room."

Master Jin said: "I'm flattered, Master Mu. Although you and I are in the same room, Master Jin's vision is far wider than mine."

Mu Chun: “Master Jin is joking."

"No, I'm not joking. Master Wood's words seem unintentional, but they are intentional. It's as if..." Master Jin paused to glance deliberately at Tao Mo before continuing slowly. "It was expected of Master Jin."

Mu Chun understatedly said: “Master Jin spoke divinely Mu Chun shame on you.”

Tao Mo was dizzy from the two of them and couldn't help but say, "So how was it?"

Master Jin looked at Mu Chun, "Since Master Wood said there is something else going on, I'm afraid there really is something else going on. As for whether it's true or not, why don't you send someone to find out more."

Tao Mo frowned: "If it's a secret, it must be unknown to the public, so how can I find out?"

Master Jin said: "That would be up to Master Mu."

Mu Chun's mouth hooked up and ignored his provocation to Tao Mo's smile: "I can find out."

~ Love is More than A Word ~

Prev: Chapter 29: Tit-for-tat (2)... 《 Chapters Home 》 Next: Chapter 31: Tit-for-tat (4)... ,


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Translations on BUYMECOFFEE