Thai Translations

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Dragon Flies Phoenix Dances, Chapter 11: The Unreasonable Third Master Long's Mistress...

Dragon Flies Phoenix Dances《龙飞凤舞》Long Fei Feng Wu 
Dragon Flies Phoenix Dances, Chapter 11: The Unreasonable Third Master Long's Mistress...

The thickness and color of the rope were the same as those used for the knots that I saw in the Third Master Long that day. Feng Ning stared at the threads like a ghost and her heart "ping-ping" jumped up.
She wouldn't, how could she have done such a thing? But those ropes were real, real in front of her eyes, and several ropes were even woven into the pattern fancy rope knots, as if they were the result of previous practice.
Feng Ning's legs went soft and she sat down on the chair with a thud. How could she plot against her husband? How could she be such a vicious woman?
Feng Ning only felt a cold sweat come down and a chill ran down the back of her spine. Madam Yu was right, she had the intuition of a woman and the keenness of an old woman, so her dislike of her and her indifference to her was harsh, but it was all for a reason.
Feng Ning struggled to recall that the Third Master Long had said she liked to take her dowry girl out for fun, and Xiao Qing had said that her dowry girl had died a while ago from an illness, just before her accident. That is to say, if her outing was to fornicate a lover, then her maid must be the one who knows who this lover is, she is the insider, but it just so happens that before she was to steal the treasure and run away, the only insider in the house died.
What a coincidence! Coincidentally, it's so scary.
Feng Ning didn't dare to think about it at all, it's not as if the death of the maiden had something to do with her, right? Xiao Qing obviously said that the maid was really sick and died. Doctor Chen had tested her body. It should be the fact, wouldn't it have something to do with her?
Feng Ning covered her face, only to think that this was really a clear-cut shock, more shocking than finding out that she had lost her memory, and she stared at those silk ropes until the sky was white.
The Third Master Long for the first time this day he saw Feng Ning looking so dull, he looked at the dishes and saw that they were all her favorites, and her eyes were curved with joy when he ate them a few days ago, but today she seemed to have lost the taste and just shoved them in her mouth.
"What's happened to you? Not feeling well again?" She had occasional nightmares and complained to him, but that didn't affect her appetite in the slightest, and he was afraid that something was wrong today.
Feng Ning put down her chopsticks and suddenly thought, "Third Master Long, you said that you hit your head and fell unconscious last time, but you hit your head again and got your memories back, so can I hit mine again and get mine back? She wanted so badly to know what she had done before, so badly to know she wasn't such a bad woman.
The Third Master Long also put down his chopsticks and said, "I don't mind if you go and try, but before you go, please write a suicide note stating that you are the one who is going to crash your brain, so that if you don't come back, I can explain it to your family."
Feng Ning was a mouthful and stood up: "Why are you like this, at least persuade me to care about myself.”
"Then don't go, the crash is even more silly, and I'll have to tell you the story all over again, that's kind of exhausting too."
Feng Ning didn't speak, making him glare hard.
The Third Master Long sighed and stammered, "So, how exactly do you want to do it?"
Feng Ning of course couldn't say anything and could only glare for a long time, "I'll tell you when I think of something.” Then a turn and gone.
The Third Master Long looked at the leftovers in front of him and found himself wondering if the crazy woman had had enough to eat.
Feng Ning’s mind was so full of those silk ropes that she didn't notice that she had eaten less this time. She was ashamed and panicked, and it turned out that doing something at a loss was what it felt like. She didn't dare to tell the Third Master Long about the discovery of the silk rope, it's hard to find someone to be nice to her, won't she invite people to hate her if she reveals it?
The more she thought about it, the sadder she got and she still couldn't believe it, how could she be such a bad person? But this method is too dangerous to use, and Madam Yu's method is not reliable either. But she drank the medicine and went to the old place where she fell, and saw no progress.
Feng Ning was full of depression and wandered around the house, looking at everything and feeling suspicious. Would the servants who evaded her gaze know anything inside? Would the maid who saw her turn and run, know any secrets?

Feng Ning suddenly narrowed her eyes, that maiden really ran away as soon as she saw her, this person she had never seen before.
"You stand still." Feng Ning let out a gulp and subdued the panicked maiden, Feng Ning stepped over with a big step: "Which courtyard are you from?"
"This maidservant, a maidservant is a maid in the garment room."
"Garment room?" The clothes in the garment room are handled by the house tailor: mending: laundry, Feng Ning uninvited heart thumped, and she asked in a stern voice, "You saw me, why did you panic?"
"This maidservant, this maidservant just remembered that there was still work to be done and was in a hurry to go back to the courtyard, not panicking because she saw the lady."
"What's your name?"
Feng Ning stared at her without speaking, and that Xia'er didn't even dare to raise her head, this showed she was panicking, "If Madam is alright, the maidservant will go back to the courtyard to work." Feng Ning gave a quiet "hmm" and Xia'er hurriedly saluted and turned around to go on a small jog.
Feng Ning turned back to her room and called for Xiao Qing: "I want to make two new clothes, who is in charge of this?"
"In the past, all of the Mistress's new clothes were made by Ping'er from a clothing shop outside, and Madam Yu had appropriated the money."
Feng Ning had heard Xiao Qing say before that Ping'er was the dowry maid who had died of illness. She sighed in her heart, this person seems to have treated her well in the clothing business. Xiao Qing looked at her silently and asked, "Does the Mistress want to make new clothes?"
"Hmm, want to see the new style, do you know where I used to make them?"
"I know, it's just east of the city, in the Biyi Pavilion, where the top dressmaker is famous."
"Oh." Feng Ning responded, "What about your clothes?"
"All the clothes of the servants are made in the house."
"Including Ping’er's, right?"
Xiao Qing didn't understand how to ask about this, but answered anyway, "Yes, at the time, Ping's clothes were all made by the garment room. And some of the sewing and embroidery and the purifying and cleansing, it's all done in the garment room."
Feng Ning thought to herself, so to speak, the girls in the clothing room should have a good relationship with the girls in the courtyard, who does not want to be able to get good clothes, at least they have the opportunity to contact and exchange gossips.
The next day, Feng Ning took a garment, ripped off the cloth buttons, cut the sash, and went to the garment room herself. The yard of the dressing room is not large, and there are bamboo poles for drying clothes. Several girls' rings in a room are busy with the work in their hands. They were surprised when Feng Ning came. Feng Ning took a closer look. The one named Xia’er was also there. She saw her and her eyes were filled with panic.
Feng Ning smiled and walked straight towards her, "Your name is Xia'er, we met yesterday, I remembered that one of my clothes was broken and Xiao Qing wasn't around, so I sent it here myself, can you help me fix it?"
Xia'er quickly mended Feng Ning's garment's sash and buttons, and Feng Ning smiled and praised her dexterity, then took the garment and left. Walking to the door, Feng Ning suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, Xia'er, there's one more thing." She clearly saw the look on Xia'er's face change from one of relief to one of defensiveness, and smiled softly: "I want to make two new clothes, both of which should have been picked out by Ping'er for me before, and you know her well enough to know my preferences.
Xia'er's face turned pale, and Feng Ning said, "Just tomorrow?" She glanced at the elder stewardess, the other party nodded nervously and said yes, Feng Ning then smiled in satisfaction and left.

She walked out of the garment room, her face sinking. Very good, she said that Xia'er and Ping'er were close friends, and no one showed surprise, which seems to be true. In this way, this Xia'er can really help her dig up some secrets.
But the next day, Feng Ning couldn't pull Xia'er out because she was sick, she has a frightening sickness. She was okay yesterday, but in the middle of the day, she had a high fever.
The sick servant had a separate house to nurse her illness so as not to infect the others in the common yard. So Xia'er was transferred to the room, Feng Ning's identity in the mansion is not low enough for her to visit, she asked Xiao Qing to visit, Xiao Qing returned, said the fever was quite strong, drink the herbal medicine did not suppress it, Madam Yu has sent Doctor Chen to go to her to see her sick.
Feng Ning found this very odd, could it be that this Xia'er had deliberately made herself sick so as to avoid her? The meaning of the representation behind this hypothesis frustrated Feng Ning, could it be that she had a hand in Ping’er death?
She sulked, thinking about it while going with Xiao Qing to the Biyi Pavilion where she often came to make clothes. The Biyi pavilion is really a prestigious shop, with all kinds of clothes of all colors and fabrics, and a cupboard full of small handkerchiefs and ornaments, and the ladies and girls in the shop are very happy to pick around.
Feng Ning stood in the doorway, not having the slightest memory of this place, looking at the crowded shop, she also lost her interest in going in and strolling around, and was about to make her way back to her home when she heard a female voice: "Yo, what a coincidence, the assassin young lady is also here."
Feng Ning turned her head and saw Qin Ya Yin, she nodded her head in greeting, "Young Lady Qin, hello."
Qin Ya Yin smiled brightly and raised her wrist: "Look, a gift from the Third Master Long, sir." It was a jade bracelet, Feng Ning couldn't tell if it was good or not, but that protesting gesture of Qin Ya Yin's made her feel bad. She rudely pulled her wrist over for a closer look, Qin Ya Yin laughed and was about to speak when she was interrupted by Feng Ning's raised eyes, who said in a word: "Young lady put this thing on, I will take the order of the Third Master, and I will kill anyone who looked for his affection according to this token you have on you, young lady wait well, don't be afraid, I will give you a good death."
When she finished, she coldly smiled, didn't even look at Qin Ya Yin's stiff and twisted expression, and turned around and walked away.
The Third Master Long was talking to two of his men and they all stopped talking, but Feng Ning didn't care if they were on guard or not, she rushed straight to the Third Master Long and gave him a kick with her foot, cursing: "You're a loser, you're a dirty man......."
She was swift, her actions were completely unexpected by the Third Master Long, and she punched him right in the face. She ran out of the house, passed the small round table in the courtyard, and lifted it with her hand and crashed it, and disappeared outside the courtyard door with a loud crash.
The Third Master Long had a black face and shouted, "Feng Ning!" unfortunately the one he called had neither a back nor a shadow.
Xiao Qing was slow on her feet and ran back to see Feng Ning heading to her own small courtyard. She worriedly approached and advised: “Mistress...." But Feng Ning turned back, but was shaking with fist: “Too annoying."

                                           ~ Dragon Flies Phoenix Dances ~

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