Thai Translations

Translations on BUYMECOFFEE

Hi Guys, so we are off on a new page, sorry for the inconvenience. Anyway, thanks for being here, I will slowly reposts all other translations from patreon 2022-2023 Translations AI LOGNNHAI (Thai) Complete BCAUSE YOU AR MY SKY (Thai) Complete BEHND TH SCNES BAD BDDY (Thai) Complete CUTIE PIE 1, HIA SAYS IM STBBORN (Thai) Complete DONT MESS WTH ANOL BED-FRIENDS (Thai) Complete FISH UPN TH SKY (Thai) Complete GRAB A BITE (Thai) Complete I WLL HT YOU NOEY (Thai) Complete LOVE MECHNICS 1 (Thai) Complete LOVE STRM (LOVE N TH AIR 1) (Thai) Complete LOVE SKY (LOVE N TH AIR 2) (Thai) Complete LOVE N TH AIR SPECIAL NOVEL (Thai) Complete TH NEXT PRNCE (Thai) Complete MANNR OF DEATH (Thai) Complete LOVE U MY RIDE (My Ride the Series) (Thai) Complete NAUGHTY BBE (Cutie Pie 2) (Thai) Complete NEVER LET ME GO (Thai) Complete NITIMAN SOCIETY AND LOVER (Thai) Complete NOT ME (Thai) Complete TRY ME 1: BAD ADDICTION TO LOVE (PhakinxGraff) (Thai) Complete TRY ME 2: BAD ADDICTION TO

Rebirth of the Golden Marriage, Chapter 1: Rebirth

Rebirth of the Golden Marriage《 重生 之 金色 婚姻 》Chong Sheng Zhi Jin Se Hun Yin.
Rebirth of the Golden Marriage, Chapter 1: Rebirth

Lin Yutong was awakened by a disturbing ringing of his cell phone. He'd been rushing his manuscript all day and hadn't slept until the sun had just set, which counted for less than an hour. If it wasn't for the fact that the ringing cell phone happened to be the number that only a few of the more important people knew, he would have hung up instead of answering it.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"I'm Old Ye, Tongzi what's up with your new book? Now someone's blasting you for plagiarism!"

"Plagiarizing what?" Lin Yutong sobered violently after a brief silence, "You said I plagiarized?"

"Yes, plagiarism, but it's not me saying that but someone else hanging you! Now you hurry up and look online and contact me as soon as you're done!" The editor Nightcrawler was on the phone with an anxious tone, as if he hated to kill over right away, and hung up after saying so.

Lin Yutong turned on the computer at the fastest speed, looked at the forum, and sure enough, the post he supposed to have copied from was already topped, and the response was quite amazing. The publisher used a color palette to label both articles with similar or identical verbal descriptions and, at first glance, countless places that were written almost identically, as if, as if someone had deliberately ripped the top off of a template.

But how is that possible?

Lin Yutong directly called the phone to ye Mingchong after reading the post, forcing himself to calm down, "Old Ye, I don't know exactly how this thing happened, but I definitely didn't plagiarize, and I have evidence to prove that I have settings that I made myself. I'm going to put..." After a pause, Lin Yutong who opened the work folder suddenly stopped squeaking.

The area that was originally dedicated to the persona and outline documents is now empty and not even a hair can be seen.

Ye Mingchong sensed the anomaly and was busy asking, "Little Tong, what's wrong?"

Lin Yutong smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "Nothing, I'll contact you later."

If by this time he doesn't know that someone is going to hack him again, then he is really stupid. But it doesn't matter, even if his e-draft is gone he has something else to prove his innocence.

Thinking of Lin Yutong's anxious side, he couldn't even wash his face, so he hurriedly packed up and went out to find Shen Jun. Shen Jun is his lover and also a famous entertainer, not particularly well known but also a little popular. They used to live together, but later, considering that the paparazzi are more troublesome, plus he has been very busy in the past six months, Shen Jun suggested that they separate for a while, he thought that it is really not appropriate to see much these days, so he agreed.

Shen Jun has a manuscript there, and there are backups of all his book settings there. Originally this manuscripts was always in his possession, but once he inadvertently mentioned that these manuscripts were like his children, because they were created by him, and Shen Jun listened and took all of them away, saying that they were his children and that they were theirs, so everyone has a duty of care.

Finally, a good thing was done.

Lin Yutong smiled and stood in front of the door of the apartment where Shen Jun lived, taking out the spare key and opening the door. He knew that Shen Jun wasn't there because Shen Jun had told him half a month ago that he was going to go abroad to film, and it might be a month or so before he returned.

However, when the door was opened, the image that came to his eyes called out to Lin Yutong and the whole body froze in amazement.

There were five people in the house, two men and three women, Shen Jun, Shen Jun's mother, their college classmate Xiao Wei, and the remaining two people, it was easy to tell from their looks alone that they were Xiao Wei's parents.

The person who should be Xiao Wei's father looked over at this point, "This one is?"

Shen Jun's face became a little hard to look at, but before he could speak, his mother Yu Yanqiu had already spoken, "This is a distant relative of mine, it was agreed that he would come over today, I forgot about it, I'm really sorry." She said, "Little Lin, I have something to tell you, can you go upstairs with aunt first?"

Lin Yutong didn't speak or move, his gaze falling on Xiao Wei's stomach. That obvious bulge is clearly pregnant.

Xiao Wei kept her head down, not daring to speak. Lin Yutong turned his head to look at Shen Jun, "Why are they here?"

Shen Jun only hesitated for a moment before rubbing a hint of firmness into his eyes, "I'll tell you later, you go upstairs with my mother first."

Lin Yutong pressed down his doubts and displeasure, "Where is my manuscript?"

Shen Jun roughly said a position, and Lin Yutong and Yu Yanqiu entered Shen Jun's study together. As soon as the door to the study closed, Lin Yutong asked again, "Auntie, why are those people outside here?"

Yu Yanqiu was silent for a while before she said, "Little Lin, those people outside... That girl, her name is Xiao Wei, is Jun's, Jun's girlfriend, she's six months pregnant, and Jun-Jun plans to marry her." When Yu Yanqiu finished seeing Lin Yutong with an iron face, she quickly grabbed her wrist and said in a slightly panicked voice, "Auntie knows that you like Jun-Jun, but Auntie begs you, Jun-Jun has not had an easy day, if you let the Xiao Family know about you and Jun-Jun, wouldn't that ruin his future?"

"Destroy his prospects?" Although he had already guessed that Shen Jun might have done something behind his back downstairs, when he really heard it with his own ears, Lin Yutong still found that he simply couldn't calm down. He looked incredulously at Yu Yanqiu, ''Auntie, why don't you say who achieved his future? Who took care of you when you were sick while he was out fighting? And who was paying for him when he went around making connections? Now you're saying I'm ruining his career? Am I Lin Yutong that bxtchy!" Lin Yutong raised his voice violently, "Yes, I'm a bitch, otherwise, how could I have left my good family and run away with him in spite of them? How could I not be of any help at a time when my family needed me the most! Who is it all about?"

"Do you still want to blame us all for the bankruptcy of your family? Little Lin, you're being unreasonable!"

"Yes, I am unreasonable." Speaking of which, Lin Yutong couldn't help but rub the corners of his forehead, vaguely feeling a bit dizzy, but his self-deprecating smile didn't change in the slightest, "Since it's all said to be unreasonable, then what do I have to be reasonable about?"

"Where are you going?" Yu Yanqiu fiercely grabbed Lin Yutong who turned around to leave, "You can't go out!"

"Let go!" Lin Yutong threw the person directly to the side of the tea-table with a hard swing. Yu Yanqiu's gaze was on the fruit knife, she didn't even think about it, she picked up the knife and rushed to the door to block Lin Yutong's way, "Little Lin, if you want to go out, unless you kill me! Otherwise, no one will try to destroy Jun!"

"I can't let someone bully me over the head and not fight back either!" Lin Yutong raised his hand to snatch the knife, but he was unable to snatch it at once, and was led away from the door by Yu Yanqiu.

Yu Yanqiu's eyes were filled with the madness that flashed in her eyes as she was forced into a hurry, she gripped the knife against herself, "Good boy, will you just let us Jun-Jun go?"

"No way!" Lin Yutong was so enraged that he finally snatched the knife away. However, the change happened at this moment, Shen Jun somehow suddenly came upstairs, saw him with a knife in his hand, actually did not hesitate to stride over and give him a hard punch!


Lin Yutong knocked over a flower pot on the window sill.

Shen Jun looked at him angrily, "How dare you fvcking point a knife at my mother?"

Lin Yutong's heart was instantly torn to shreds, so painful that even his voice changed, "Shen Jun, I Lin Yutong am this kind of fvcking person in your heart?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, can it still be fake!"

"Yeah, seeing it with your own eyes, can it be fake? In that case, then tell me, did you get someone to do the plagiarism thing?" He's become a father without his knowledge, so what's not to do? Thankfully, he even secretly told himself on the way that the alleged plagiarism must have nothing to do with Shen Jun!

"So what if it is? I've waited so long for your Lin Family to go bankrupt, you think I'll give you another chance to turn over and let you get them back on their feet?"

"Holy shit Shen Jun!" Lin Yutong swooped over and grabbed Shen Jun by the collar, "What do you mean by that?"

"Lin Yutong, I told you I've had enough of you long ago! What's so great about being born rich? Didn't you help me when I was in trouble? How dare you let the whole world know that I Shen Jun owes you a favor and spent your money? Is it a light on your face to roll my face like that, huh?"

"You've got less fucking blood in your mouth! When have I ever done that?"

"Did or did not, you know better than anyone in your heart!"

"You!" Lin Yutong tensed his face and pointed to the person who slowly appeared in the doorway, ''It's her right? Your mother is the only one who knows about us! Your mother won't tell, so who else would it be but her?"

"Don't you put all the blame on someone else? It's you! Besides, if Wei-Wei is pregnant with my child, why would she do something against me? It's just that you've been trying to hold me in your hands and listen to you..."

"Bang!" Lin Yutong swung a punch at Shen Jun's face. Xiao Wei screamed and rushed over to block in front of Shen Jun, "Lin Yutong! You can hit me if you want, not him! I was the one who seduced him first!"

"You get out of my way!" Lin Yutong pushed Xiao Wei away and picked up the vase next to it and smashed it hard on Shen Jun's head, Shen Jun's head instantly cracked and blood dripped down to blur his vision. The first time he was in a frenzy, Lin Yutong didn't give him the slightest respite, he was like a wild beast in a frenzy, swooping Shen Jun down and hitting him hard to death.

Shen Jun took a look at Lin Yutong and when he saw that he pushed Xiao Wei away, saved his strength and fiercely flipped Lin Yutong to the ground, but Lin Yutong got up as if he didn't know the pain, and continued to pounce and tear with him.

Lin Yutong craved the bright red excitement, and craved even more for something that would relieve him of this predicament.

After eight years, he thought that after the seven-year itch, Shen Jun's heart should have been set long ago, but he did not expect the ending to be like this.

Shen Jun was able to carry a few strokes at first, but then he lost too much blood and gradually became unable to carry on punching. Xiao Wei came over and pulled Lin Yutong, looking at Shen Jun who straightly rolled his eyes in shock. For as long as she could remember Lin Yutong had always been with a sunny smile, so she never thought that this person would also have a demon-like day.

"Stop fighting Lin Yutong! You'll kill him like that!" Xiao Wei, not caring that his body felt heavy, went over to stop it.

"Yeah, Little Lin, do you want to go to jail?" Yu Yanqiu also pulled Lin Yutong hard.

However, Lin Yutong simply couldn't stop, his fist landed on Shen Jun's face in one fell swoop after another, his sweat dripping into a hideous bright red, staining a bizarre picture that stung his eyes as well as his heart. If it wasn't for spending all his savings to help Shen Jun develop Star Way, why was he unable to help at all when he had problems at home? How could he spend every day in self-doubt, but that was how Shen Jun repaid his trust?

It's all Shen Jun! No, it's all him. He's blinded by a pig or a dog!

Lin Yutong unconsciously laid his hand heavier and heavier...

Xiao Wei finally couldn't look away, and Shen Jun, who was completely at the lower peak, made her look straight up. Just as she swayed, she saw something reflecting on the ground, and she found that it was a fruit knife, and she ghostly picked it up and fought her way into Lin Yutong's back!

"Well!" Lin Yutong stopped his movement in pain and pushed Xiao Wei away with all his strength, Xiao Wei took a few big steps back and crashed on the guardrail, panting slightly in fear. Lin Yutong was suddenly startled and relieved when he saw Xiao Wei holding the guardrail. Unexpectedly, the next second, the unfinished guardrail flipped backwards, Xiao Wei's heavy body suddenly lost its balance, and quickly fell downwards as well!

"Ah! A! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

"Xiao..." Yu Yanqiu fainted on the ground before she had time to finish her sentence.

"Lin Yutong you crazy!" Shen Jun was completely on fire, the pain of losing his fiancée and child forced him to forget what it was to be calm, and he got up and slammed Lin Yutong, who had become somewhat difficult to even stand, towards the guardrail. Lin Yutong was already powerless to resist, but just a second before he fell, he suddenly grabbed Shen Jun by the lapel!


The heavy sound of Dunn's voice came clearly into the ears, but the expected pain did not come.

Lin Yutong jerked his eyes open, then he found that just across from him, there were two people, who were staring at him breathlessly.

Prev: [CHAPTERS HOME] Next: Chapter 2: Roommate


  1. i like the mc, he doesnt back down. and why's isn't there any comments

  2. Yeah, don't let anyone bully you!

  3. This translation need a lot of editing to make sense.

  4. I was a bit confused .Thanks tho

  5. Bom, quem disse que a vingança é um prato que se come frio? claramente tem que ser servido na hora!

  6. Hmmmm.... This looks promising!

  7. *nods* let's all die together then.


  8. Fiiiiieerrrccceee!!!! I am awaiting for MC's revenge against that scum! Sooooo fierce... both the opening and the MC!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  9. I hate cheaters like that! MC take revenge! Make them regret the day they were born!

  10. Wow...😳
    This is the first MC who got physical when the truth came out. 🙄
    😏me likey..
    Slag boyfriend: 😰When your action produced more serious consequence than you first thought it would.😱
    😓Everyone died except the mom and in laws.

  11. Finally, a MC with courage and will. Good to see he is fighting for himself!

  12. thank you for the translate :)

  13. Hi, I'm a new reader and found this on NovelUpdates, I was a bit confused at first because it appeared that you've already finished translating this novel but there's also somebody else translating it again. Anyways I thought of just passing by and telling you in case you didn't know. I don't know if they're reposting your translations or if you guys have an understatement or something but I found it a waste of time for the other person and a bit disrespectful towards you.

    Either way, thank you for translating this novel❤

  14. Hello, your translation of the story is fantastic, if you don't mind I would like to translate it into Spanish on Wattpad

  15. A pig will always be a pig I hope lin yutong can move on 😢

  16. omg what a scumbag!!! thank u for the chapter~

  17. Just starting this looks to be promising🤗


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