Thai Translations

Translations on BUYMECOFFEE

Hi Guys, so we are off on a new page, sorry for the inconvenience. Anyway, thanks for being here, I will slowly reposts all other translations from patreon 2022-2023 Translations AI LOGNNHAI (Thai) Complete BCAUSE YOU AR MY SKY (Thai) Complete BEHND TH SCNES BAD BDDY (Thai) Complete CUTIE PIE 1, HIA SAYS IM STBBORN (Thai) Complete DONT MESS WTH ANOL BED-FRIENDS (Thai) Complete FISH UPN TH SKY (Thai) Complete GRAB A BITE (Thai) Complete I WLL HT YOU NOEY (Thai) Complete LOVE MECHNICS 1 (Thai) Complete LOVE STRM (LOVE N TH AIR 1) (Thai) Complete LOVE SKY (LOVE N TH AIR 2) (Thai) Complete LOVE N TH AIR SPECIAL NOVEL (Thai) Complete TH NEXT PRNCE (Thai) Complete MANNR OF DEATH (Thai) Complete LOVE U MY RIDE (My Ride the Series) (Thai) Complete NAUGHTY BBE (Cutie Pie 2) (Thai) Complete NEVER LET ME GO (Thai) Complete NITIMAN SOCIETY AND LOVER (Thai) Complete NOT ME (Thai) Complete TRY ME 1: BAD ADDICTION TO LOVE (PhakinxGraff) (Thai) Complete TRY ME 2: BAD ADDICTION TO ...


The Years of Intoxication《 一醉經年》Yi Zui Jing Nian
Status: 78 Chapters + 3 Special Chapters,"
      A crush is like a bottle of a strong alcoholic wine, you know that what's poured down will lead to dizzy drunkenness, making you lose your self control and it will numb the pain too and its like the moths drawn to the fire and even if I am blind drunk/plastered from drinking..... eventually I will have to wake up one day.
(This book is related to 《Beloved Enemy/Tactics of Confrontation》 and 《Professional Double/Stuntman》,
    The protagonists of both books will be appearing but General Manager Gu has more scenes( others will liven up buying sauce)
Buying sauce like its none of my business I'm just here to buy sauce!!


If you're from《《 》》I don't want you to link my story to any of your website.... Lord knows I don't need more haters
Heed my words....Me translating this novel doesn't mean anything else that what it means ....I never said other people should stop their translations.... I don't care about your translation....
I don't want to be involved in your petty squabbles
To anyone who say my translation is bad... Thank you but its a free world...go read  a porn magazine or medical don't have to read mine..
If you know you have bashed me in someone else conversation wall don't even talk to me or read my shit.... Cause I'm not below to cuss your out....I have like 3 names of people who did the
" you're my translator that Joell55 guy is rude to take your story and sometimes what he writes I can't understand "
    Bitch I done told ya... You will not understand some parts in my translation because my Chinese is not good and your blaming me even when I warned is like when I tell you don't stick your tongue on a frozen pole and you do just that and then come blaming me....
Love y'all

Next: Years of Intoxication: Character Guide


  1. But i find your translation understandable. Thats the most important thing. Thank u for your hard work

  2. Baby Joell, don't even spend a second to pay attention to anyone who is being so disrespectful to your hard work, they don't deserve you. Your translations are not perfect of course, even I have a hard time sometimes with it lol, but the main idea is clear as fvck, so thank you so much for making us happy with your love for Danmei, much love :3


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Tharntype The Series, Chapter 16: Once is never enough!

Translations on BUYMECOFFEE